Capacity Building
Capacity building is at the core of services provided by the Astana Civil Service Hub, designed to enhance the institutional and human resources capacities of the civil service systems in the region.
Based on the demand of the participating countries, the Astana Hub implements initiatives to strengthen the ability of participants to perform core functions, overcome obstacles, and achieve set objectives. As part of these activities, civil servants have access to an extensive educational portfolio, from general educational programs to tailor-made solutions, approaches, workshops.
- expanding country and regional knowledge, skills and approaches through the application of a number of methodologies, tools and best practices
- dissemination of new solutions and generalization of lessons learnt from the experience of developing and implementing new tools
- increasing awareness of the participating countries on current trends
- strengthening the network of experts in the development and modernization of the civil service
The target audience is civil servants, experts as well as academics and civil society, who contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of the public sector.
The capacity building and training programs is carried out on the basis of a training needs assessment of the participating countries and on the demand of specific consumers and beneficiaries.
In implementing capacity building and training programs, the ACSH relies on internationally accepted methodologies and standards, innovative approaches to the acquisition and exchange of knowledge/expertise
- Capacity Building Specialist – Gulimzhan Suleimenova,
- Learning and Innovation Specialist – Diana Sharipova,