ACSH Digital Library
- Institutional overview of the modern civil service: role, functions, and global trends
- e-HRM Systems for the Civil Service in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and the Republic of Korea
- Standards Frameworks for digital transformation
- Improving the prosperity of citizens and effectiveness of the state apparatus: Kazakhstan's experience in implementing project management
- Behavioural Public Policy: New Opportunities and Challenges for Kazakhstan and the Eurasia Region
- Fifth Needs Assessment Survey of the ACSH Participating Countries
- Analysis of communication channels of state bodies with the population
- Application of Competency Frameworks in HRM: the Case of Montenegro
- Public Management in the 21st Century
- Public Sector Compensation: A Comparative Review
- Compensation Practices in the U.S. Governments: A Review of Federal, State, and Local Government Practices
- Stewardship and Public Service: An Introduction
- Securing Talent for Civil Service: Contemporary HRM Practices for Recruitment, Selection, and Promotion
- Description of the local self-government system in Georgia
- Analysis and Evaluation of Educational Programs of Universities of Kazakhstan on "Public and Local Administration"

Institutional overview of the modern civil service: role, functions, and global trends
This publication offers an institutional overview of the civil service system in countries such as Australia, Belgium, UK, Germany, Canada, the Netherlands, Poland, USA, France, South Korea, and Japan.

e-HRM Systems for the Civil Service in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and the Republic of Korea
This publication is the result of a cross-country comparative study exploring the development of electronic personnel management systems. Conducted jointly by the Astana Civil Service Hub and the Ministry of Personnel Management of the Republic of Korea, the study focused on three Central Asia countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan) and the Republic of Korea, with the latter serving as a benchmark case for an electronic human resource management system (e-HRMS).

Standards Frameworks for digital transformation
This knowledge product covers areas such as effective utilisation of information technologies, cybersecurity, data privacy protection, cloud computing, infrastructure, etc that can contribute to the digital transformation of the participating countries’ public sectors.

Improving the prosperity of citizens and effectiveness of the state apparatus: Kazakhstan's experience in implementing project management
Amidst global economic challenges, countries are prioritizing flexibility and efficiency, with many adopting a project-oriented approach to governance. Kazakhstan's shift from traditional bureaucratic models to a National Project Management System (NPMS) is driven by President Tokayev's vision of a "listening state" and "human-centricity." The NPMS, developed through three stages, offers valuable lessons for international audiences seeking efficient reforms. The study, commissioned by the Astana Civil Service Hub, provides practical recommendations for NPMS improvement, highlighting its role in strategic vision, organizational change, and effective policy implementation.

Behavioural Public Policy: New Opportunities and Challenges for Kazakhstan and the Eurasia Region
This study on Behavioural Public Policy is based on insights from behavioural economics and psychology intending to transform people’s behaviour into desirable behaviour by using ‘nudges’ and correcting cognitive bias. While many countries around the world have actively embraced behavioural insights into public policies, this topic remains a relatively new field for the governments in the post-Soviet Eurasia region, including Kazakhstan. The study attempts to fill the gap and facilitate the understanding of behavioural public policy in the region.

Fifth Needs Assessment Survey of the ACSH Participating Countries
Fifth Needs Assessment Survey Report

Analysis of communication channels of state bodies with the population
This study is an analysis of 15 channels of communication between state bodies and citizens with the identification of actors, the sequence of steps (operations), the rules of their work, the effectiveness in achieving the desired result on the part of the population, and comparison with international practice.

Application of Competency Frameworks in HRM: the Case of Montenegro
This case study illuminates good practices adopted by the public human resource management system of Montenegro, using a competency framework for the selection and recruitment of senior management staff in the state administration and for the heads of public authorities. In doing this, it also describes the transitioning of the public human resource system of Montenegro towards competency-based employment processes and competency-based performance evaluation cycles.

Public Management in the 21st Century
This publication is a review of public management practices, highlighting the different systems that influenced public administration organisation and structure over the past decades. It starts with the traditional model of public administration, the dominant system for the first eight decades of the 20th Century.

Public Sector Compensation: A Comparative Review
Contemporary public sector remuneration systems have been mostly developed in a very different era and they have not practically changed much over the past five or six decades. They are all very similar in many ways as they are based on similar principles, however considerable differences also exist across systems, as the mix and balance of the elements included in the total compensation package vary from country to country.

Compensation Practices in the U.S. Governments: A Review of Federal, State, and Local Government Practices
This report reviews compensation practices at the federal, state, and local levels of the United States governmental institutions that play a variety of roles, and which are mostly staffed by public servants.1 For example, the federal government provides some educational oversight and resource assistance, but the vast majority of education spending and employment is at the local school district, generally, a single, special-purpose form of local government.

Stewardship and Public Service: An Introduction
The concept of stewardship encapsulates the perennial mission of the public service; the preservation of the long-term capability of state institutions to act for the greater public good, including the responsible care of public resources. It neatly summarises the fundamental purpose of the public service and public servants: striving to address the long-term concerns for their fellow citizens and for their country, by nurturing the inherited legacy of the past, and by clarifying different alternatives, adopting the best possible options for the coming years.

Securing Talent for Civil Service: Contemporary HRM Practices for Recruitment, Selection, and Promotion
Human resource management and personnel administration are undoubtedly vital components of public administration entities, as they are necessary for engaging the appropriate individuals. Hence, securing appropriate talent is a primary goal of public administrations’ human resources management and personnel administration organisations.

Description of the local self-government system in Georgia
This descriptive research delves into the aspects of Georgia's local self-government, consisting of municipalities and self-governing cities. Local self-government system aims to promote democracy, accountability, and efficiency by bringing decision-making closer to the people affected by those decisions. The research provides valuable insights for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers interested in understanding the functioning of the local self-government system.

Analysis and Evaluation of Educational Programs of Universities of Kazakhstan on "Public and Local Administration"
The publication in a consistent, structured form sets out the main approaches to the analysis and evaluation of educational programs of universities in Kazakhstan. A holistic view of the content of educational programs and what components they consist of is given, including the ratio of Soft and Hard Skills in teaching public administration, as well as an analysis of methods and technologies.